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Kill urself
Fried noodles
30 Votes in Poll
These are not my works
Oh, that's it
I've had it with this dump (His urge to quit YouTube)
We've got no food, no jobs, our pet's heads have fallen off (His want for something more than YouTube to the point of driving him crazy)
Pussy, pussy, pussy, can't you see (Warning his past self to quit sooner like he wanted to)
You bitches can't do it like me (Because of YouTube changing, we will never have a perfect Frank ever again)
Motherfuckers stay mad (The people who got angry about his brain condition)
Like I killed their mom or something
If you really didn't care, you'd let it be
I've been dying since day one (Frank was never supposed to be his true passion but he did it to please us, causing him to suffer)
But y'all knew that
My dick is like Americans
Too fat, but dangerous
I'm the grimiest motherfucker to walk this earth
The shit I do is way below dirty sewers, a connoisseur
I'm a flying reptile
A pterodactyl on Adderall (He was a glorious creature held back by the Filthy Frank drug)
I've got a bunch of scales that I dug up
You've never heard at all
Eat a dick little faggot, jeez
And furthermore
You're trying to scrap with me
I don't beef, faggot (The violent Frank wasn't his true self)
I'm herbivore
I crawled into the industry (He felt like he wasn't supposed to be there)
A saturated circus
Manipulating like Hillary
They say I'm crazy
But lately they've been defending me
Because take a look around, motherfucker
Everyone's digging me
I live in a constant state of fear and misery (He kept making the videos in misery instead of making music, fearing that we wouldn't accept him)
Do you miss me anymore? (Foreshadowing his departure from YouTube)
And I don't even notice
When it hurts anymore
Pussy, pussy, pussy
Can't you read
I'm a dirty old pussy eating freak
Motherfuckers still mad
Like I killed their mom or something
If you really didn't care
You'd let me eat
Here we go again
I'll make jokes about your estrogen
That's pretty much the rest of this song
I'm roasting everything
I'm a weird little entity (We never knew what pain was in his mind, his mind was like an alien to us)
That'll enter titties
And bust all over the tummy and little nippies
I know I'm morbid at times
That's how I like to be
They call my dick a mammoth
You're salty you got a micro-d
Classic penis joke
Inserted with appropriate timing
Because if I ain't got a penis line
I ain't dining (His life depended on Frank which wasn't what he wanted)
No homo, but seriously I'm getting faded (His urge to quit is driving him insane)
And my life is like my vids
Low budget and underrated
Kids, the only way to succeed
Is to chip away at the soul
And hope by the time you get there
You ain't singin' (His success on YouTube didn't let him express his true passion for music)
I live in a constant state of fear and misery
Do you miss me anymore?
And I don't even notice
When it hurts anymore
Don't take the lyrics too seriously (Too late)
I don't really give a shit (Oh, I just wasted my time)
22 Votes in Poll
¿Como estas?
I plan on making one of those icebergs you see on the internet nowadays but with Frank. Comment some Filthy Frank content or theories and what placement they would be on the iceberg so I can research them.
does anyone remember when filthy frank said : THATS ERNESTO . ernesto ah ah ah
The world is falling apart, we are all suffering from anxiety. No one asked for this & a lot of people have seen this, but here is a picture of joji drinking some bubble tea happily :)
Orangutan Pussy
Orangutan Pussy
FilthyQuotes: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF-IIbGh6jfDAOQr-7iZ4eQ
(Edited by FilthyQuotes)
If progress can be made it would make it raelly easier for me to continue adding to this wikia rather than having to go over a lot of progress and changing a lot of things. I just want to go over the episodes now.
What Have I Done
I have played around extensivly with adding information to this wiki. All lot of my recounts are done on my profile and I will articulate simply what I have done incase reasoning is needed or a mistake is done
- Episode 100 - 108
- Infobox Episode: I retooled this and it seems great IMO and does all it should with Categories, Image, Video.
- Automatic Categories: Season (no.); Episodes; Video; Videos on (DizastaMusic; TVFilthyFrank; TooDamnFilthy); AND year
- Try to restrict category additions to this automatic way as it allows all the pages to change categories by editing the template rather than going through each video (which I did spend a lot of time on).
- Scroll boxes on Filthy Frank page and will implement it in other pages with extensive list
- Video Category is seperate to Videos which should just be exclusivly for files
- Appearances_Synopsis template that makes categorising appearances easier
- Must use this format in appearing: * {{a|[[Filthy Frank]]}}
What Could Be Done
- Look through categories;
- Candidates for Deletion: Delete the most obvious things
- Replace: Some videos URL don't work anymore and with the infobox video section gathering videos with the same PAGENAME the broken videos need to be removed and replaced with a working video but applying the PAGENAME to the new file
- Missing Video: The pages that don't yet have a video uploaded with necessary file names
Create an appearance template that creates an appearance category for the specific characters- Infobox Template for non filthy frank videos
Include a year section that doesn't show up in the box but just so a page could be added to a category relating to the year of releaseOR just seperate the Year and Other and have them show up seperatly as this would make it easier to know if it is part of the categoryI don't know how to fix the last section after Overall Release Chronology, e.g. 2cool4u92
- Fix the n-word spam filter that prevents edits on articles with the word
- On the Community Tab above rename Forum to Forum: Index
- If its possible link the videos to a file on a Google Drive that contains Filthy Franks filmography
Pages I cannot edit because of an n-word spam filter, Control F $nibba
I didn't want to all lose my hard work
(Edited by Goten980)