Filthy Frank Show 2
An Account Of What I Have Done
If progress can be made it would make it raelly easier for me to continue adding to this wikia rather than having to go over a lot of progress and changing a lot of things. I just want to go over the episodes now.
I have played around extensivly with adding information to this wiki. All lot of my recounts are done on my profile and I will articulate simply what I have done incase reasoning is needed or a mistake is done
- Episode 100 - 108
- Infobox Episode: I retooled this and it seems great IMO and does all it should with Categories, Image, Video.
- Automatic Categories: Season (no.); Episodes; Video; Videos on (DizastaMusic; TVFilthyFrank; TooDamnFilthy); AND year
- Try to restrict category additions to this automatic way as it allows all the pages …
Nearly done with Season 1 of Filthy Frank
- 24/07/19 All of Season 1 completed
- 23/07/19 Upto Episode 122
- 22/07/19 Upto Episode 118
- 20/07/19 Upto Episode 111
- 18/07/19 Upto Episode 109
So What Now?
As people know Joji (George Miller) aka Filthy Frank has left the YouTube community as of January 2018. The community, though disappointed has been very supportive of his decisions and respectful of him perusing his goals in music. We miss him very much but at the same time are some what okay with him leaving YouTube due to him aspiring to be a musician and taking care of his health issues. In a lot of ways it feels like a family members death. So now what? With YouTube's overall quality going down and more and more creators similar to Filthy Frank posting less and less or loosing touch to their original style, it's reasonable to say that their is a definite void. That is until possibly now. TVFilthyFrank2 is a channel on YouTube …
Spam Links
Do not click on any links on these blog posts. Some of these are spam and none of them are offical. Shirts and merch can by found on FilthyFrank's YouTube channel.
This is due to the amount of low tier cancerous people just plugging in the blog posts.
Forever in our hearts
I wish Joji the best of luck in life and hope he enjoys his music making career, I am for the content he has created. His filthy frank chronology was a very sporadic and intriguing story, and it is a shame to see it end, but I still remain in memory. Gook luck Frank/Joji.
Ey b0ss shirt
you guys check this out
Day 124 of shipping shrek and komaeda
i've created several photoshop masterpieces. they are all related to shrek and komaeda. in tribute to shrek and komaeda. shrek and komaeda are my otp. shrek and komaeda are the best ship.
Welcome to my page
Filthy Frank is the best YouTuber and needs to come back. My YouTube channel is Veronica Reynolds.
Shut the fuck up
You're a fucking cunt
Shut the fuck up
You're a stupid cunt, suck my dick
Shut the fuck up
Stop being a fucking cunt
Shut the fuck up
Nobody even wants you here
I just want to let you know, you're a stupid fucking cunt
Go ahead and run your mouth, pussy, I don't give a fuck
You're a stupid piece of shit, you're a stupid fucking bitch
Get the fuck up off my dick, get the fuck up off my dick, like
Please end your fucking life, please end your fucking life
I really gotta emphasize, no one cares if you're alive
You're a fucking penis-hole, grab a dick and eat it whole
I need to know if you were dropped when you were just a fetus though
You're so fucking ugly and your face is fucking foul, jeez
You're so fucking loud, can you shut your fuc…
Life of Pannadela
At the beginning there was a explosion. After it there appeared many realms that created new Omniverse after Great Weeaboo War. In this moment genes of lycras and humans mixed creating new kind of human. They were wisdoms of First Lore: history of Primal Omniverse, Light and Darkness. From fear before Darkness people began to wear masks from any material to hide before Darkness. It's how Masked People were created.
In the same time in void between realms there was created mysterious creature. It looked like a human, but it wasn't a human. But it was female. Its name was Pannadela - Core of New Omniverse, without which this Omniverse could die.
After ending of this creation Pannadela decided to go to Primal Omniverse to learn anything about b…
I’m not really sure if you’re in town but I just got to the house and I saw your dog park in the backyard and I saw a guy in the middle of the night home and I was just thinking about you and I just wanted y’all to know how you feel and about how you do and crumbs fall out my pants Lord was the first day you got a good one and you have to a side and you I don’t know what you do if you saw this I just had it and then they got me back and I saw that I didn’t want to it was like that I didn’t mean it was just a ☀️ was a good night home and then they gave got me the first wrong thing and then I went and got my car and I got it
Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo!
Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo! Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo, "Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo?" Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo, "Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo!" Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo! :)
Pink Season: The Prophecy
So i noticed that The Prophecy remix video is not listed on the Wiki even though it seems pretty important to the lore.
Would be nice for the mods/admins (idfk im new to this wiki thing) added it, also people on reddit have found out what is that weird scroll in the video, its called the Hell Scroll, and it seems to foreshadow something important (link to aritcle here )
That is all
Matrix Flightman and the Ghost of Chef Boyardee's Past
Realm c.38428, Realm of the Drones
All was well on Earth, during this fine day. Drones roamed the skies, some drones on the streets talking to other drones. Drones sang and chirped, the humans hiding in the sewers shivering at their noises. In the distance, at a Black Mesa research facility reclaimed by Mother Nature, a green sphere appeared in the grass fields. Out of it came a man in a skin tight, semen white outfit, wearing shades with Minion stickers all over it. He appeared to be a lycra, a mystical species that roamed these lands. Another followed, this one wearing Phase 1 Nazitrooper armor and wielding a ChromoTech heavy blaster rifle. He put his fists on his hips and scanned the broken down building like a hawk, nodding before walki…
Finally, an Answer to One of the Biggest Questions in the Lore:
When I watch Filthy Frank from the beginning, I tend to add some extra story in my mind in between the videos so they'd make sense, you know? I'd think, Salamander Man must have originally been some mutated fungus-like disease on Pink Guy, and then he grew into his own form, that's why there was that one video with Pink Guy dressed up as Salamander Man. Black friend was actually a figment of imagination for Pink Guy, making up for a friend who would be as close to him as that. (that got disproven in this video though.) Stuff like that, to make the show more enjoyable and consistant, and looking throught the wiki, I'm pretty sure most of you can relate. But there's been one question that's been bothering me since the early lore:
What's up with…
Concerning "HITLER'S EVIL SON"
This is just speculation, but seeing as when Pink Guy was sent to the Dark Realm in FILTHY FRANK VS CHIN CHIN, the voice that taunts him is the same as Derek's. He also calls him "my sweet pink child," hinting that the voice in the Dark Realm knew Pink Guy before.
Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo
Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa oc…
Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo.
Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo.
Pink Guy's Maybe-Canon Emotional Rode
I'm tired so I'll make this fast.
Pink guy used to make more simple and "innocent" music before Frank was sent to the ricefields.
Heck, in "balls in my face," he was trying to rap about helping the world. While not every song at that time had such a good message behind it, you have to admit it had a lighter tone and feel to it.
At the end of the music video which came out after Chin Chin sacrifice 2015 , we see Chin Chin still at the monoxide realm, waiting for something to happen.
After that his music got a darker and faster tone, rapping not about food for the most part, but drugs, suicidal tendicies, and murder.
Granted, this was a slow transition, but it's noticable.
And for those who are just like ehhh, Joji didn't plan it that way, he just…
OOk OOk Bust my nut
unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga u…
Can I habe de pusi b0ss?
I really want to spread some cancer throughout the internet and the whole world in general, but I just can't quite figure out how. I tried arguing with people, instantaneously breaking out into seizures and random breakdancing, airhumping to the point where people run the hell away from me, and many more filthy activities. But it seems like all people do is tell me to fuck off. Hell, I even summoned Chin Chin once. Can a b0ss help me out?
Btw I Make Yutubz
I just thought that I would use up the rest of my time here to do some free advertising.
Give me a medal
With recent tensions and new developements with impostor frank and veggie cunt, we confirmed that the frank portrayed with sunglasses was not the real frank. The episode ends with a dark turn as impostor frank declares that "There will be a war." Whether this was a declaration of war against the one true frank, or simply a statement that war is coming, it is unclear but I for one am exited for the upcoming video.
Btw I'm vegan so therefore I'm better than all of you. Im a class 9000 vegan, I only don't consume anything that has a physical form.
I have been forced to write a blog.
I hate school but I have to attend or "No honor".Huzzah for being asian.
The Enigma that is Frank
Many people who have watched Filthy Frank hold a strong opinion on him. He seems polarizing, either you love him or hate him (though this obviously doesn't apply to everyone). His obscure style, strong language, heavy satire and social commentary can be controversial, and people may find him simpy outright...filthy. But obviously people also find him hilarious, and sometimes behind his absurd beliefs (which may or may not be fake half of the time) people find some truth.
Now, I'm obviously a fan of Frank. I think he's a genius in his own right. He harnesses the ability to create characters, settings, plots and even mythology which are expansive--yet still whimsical and not meant to be taken seriously. He's created many different characters …
The Epidemic Of Weebs In the Anime Community And How Modern Feminism Plays A Role.
- 1 The beginning of a tidal wave of shit.
- 2 What This Means
- 3 The Effects Of The Brainwashing And What To Expect.
- 4 Forums to Find These People At
- 5 Dark Secrets Of The Weebs
Honestly, this is something that has been going on for a while now. Some might tell you it started in the 2000's. Some might tell you it's been like this only for a few years and just now. But those fucking retarded shits for brains are wrong.
It all began with the PC/Information Age's true beginning in 1989 with practical use of it placed in.
It was in this time that kids were being taught the phrase "You're all special" and stuff like that which lead to them getting silver clad trophies just for existing. Rather than rewarding them less for less effort and drive, they were give…
e b0$§
e b0$§, welcome to my blog! i hope to post weekly on here, most of them being about filthy frank stuff and/or me ranting about stuff. please leave feedback so I can know how i'm doing and to hear about what you might want next. hope to see you next week! sincerely, cooljoe--Cooljoe1234 (talk) 21:00, September 27, 2015 (UTC)
(click the e b0$§ for my youtube channel)
Realm Map/Timeline
I think the wiki needs a map of the realms as they are currently known as well as a timeline of the events in the Filthy universe, in Chromosomatic order of course.
Unfortunately, I have no artistic skill and I don't think I could do it justice.
If anyone would like to work on a project like this, that would be cool. I don't mind doing it myself but it wouldn't look the best.
I'm hoping Joji will continue the Jojivlogs channel.If it's the comments that are the issue he should disable them. Anyone notice Red Dick's channel is now called vlogs? Hopefully he'll be uploading some content!
I made a h3h3 wiki. Anybody wanna join?
I made a wiki about h3h3 productions, so if anybody wants to help out, I'll gladly appreciate it.
Chin Chin vs Prometheus. Describe the Fight.
I'll start off:
The Dark lord is summoned by Frank. 'Lord, Red Dick is coming. He's bringing Prometheus with him.' Chin Chin turns his head, slowly towards the wooden, filthy door and screams: Orewa O Chin Chin gadaisuki nandayo! 'He's here.' Says Frank and suddenly a hulking pile of muscle appears at the doorway. It's him.'
Continue the story in the comments.
Yo Dre I got something to say
Fuck the police coming straight from the underground, a young nigga got it bad cuz I'm brown.
Operation Chromosome Cleanup
For anyone editing the wiki here, I'd like you to help make this wiki more "canon".
People (including I) flooded the wiki with non-canon articles, making a hellhole of a wiki.
While some were loosely canon, they might have just been shit.
So, if you want to edit this wiki, please don't type things like "then pink guy eat samalander shite XDXD lolol memes". Instead, type things like "Pink Guy is a humanoid creature with a pink-lycra skin."