Filthy Frank Wiki

Quote1 What are you, ****ing gay? Quote2
-- Ian on Max and Fake Frank sharing a lil smooch, later becoming a catch phrase of some sort

Biographical info
Full name Ian W.

Content Cop
Content Deputy
N***er F****t
Gay R*****d
Green C**t
Ian the Golem
Ian the Alien
Green Alien
Little Tingle Helper
Sir I of the Dubbbz
Ian iDubbyz
Ian Dangledick
Nigeru F****mus
Jack Skellington
Yo F***a F***a
Happy Guy Looking Ass
(uncanonical)Ian the Great

Species Human
Gender Male
Born July 27, 1990
Relative(s) Kevin (brother)
Residence Venice Beach, Los Angeles
Political info
Affiliation The Shrimpson Boys (close friends, not a member)

Ethan and Hila (frenemies) Jinx (Enemy) Keemstar (Enemy) LeafyisHere (Enemy) Tana Mongueu (Enemy) Ricegum (Enemy) Toy channels (Enemy) Techrax (Enemy) HowToPrankItUp (Enemy) Food Reviewers (Enemy)

Nationality American
Occupation YouTuber
Miscellaneous info
First Appearance HAIR CAKE (ft. HowToBasic, MaxMoeFoe, and iDubbbz)
Role Fake Frank's friend and waiter
Actor/Actress Ian Kane Jomha

Ian, better known as iDubbbz, is a YouTuber who once frequently collaborated with George "Joji" Miller and Max. In The Filthy Frank Show, he appears as himself and also portrays the Lycra entity Green Cunt.


Ian debuted in the second part of the Cake Trilogy, HAIR CAKE. Introduced as a new sous-chef of Fake Frank and Max, Ian had his hair forcefully shaved and added to cake batter after they discovered its delicious flavor. Ian is later revealed to have cancer, which gets progressively worse over the course of the episode until his untimely death. It is possible that Fake Frank's carcinogenic aura accelerated his death or even caused his cancer.

Revived by unexplained means, Ian returned in DUMBASS GETS PEWDIEPIE TATTOO, where he, Max, and Fake Frank force Anything4Views into a tattoo parlor and torment him as he gets a tattoo of PewDiePie on his ass as punishment for losing a drunken bet, creating the classic meme "hey, that's pretty good!" in the process. Ian's return following his death in Hair Cake leads some to suspect that he is either immortal (like Pookie) or was simply replaced by his counterpart from another universe.

Ian then made a brief cameo appearance in LOSER READS HATER COMMENTS 4, where he is dressed in an Akatsuki cloak from the anime Naruto and dances next to a Mazda sedan with spinning rims during a parody of anime openings. This skit was also uploaded separately to TooDamnFilthy as every anime.

Ian makes his proper return to the series in THE GENTLEMEN'S GUIDE, where he, Fake Frank, and Max compete in various challenges in order to determine which of them is the Supreme Gentleman. Ian wins with a final score of 7 points, with Fake Frank and Max each scoring just 3 points.

Now regarded as one of the greatest chefs in the world alongside Fake Frank and Max, Ian returns again in HUMAN CAKE to finally create the perfect cake: a wedding cake for Max and Fake Frank's gay wedding, baked with hairs, toenails, and bodily fluids from a wide cast of popular YouTubers.

His final appearance in the Filthy Frank Show was in the episode LOSER READS HATER COMMENTS 5, where he participates in a drunken game of "would you rather" with Fake Frank, Max, and Anything4Views.


  • Ian is likely a former member of the Akatsuki, suggested by his attire in his short cameo in TVFilthyFrank's videos, "every anime" and "LOSER READS HATER COMMENTS 4".
  • The three "b's" in "iDubbbzTV" stands for "Beer, Bikes, Booty," but can alternatively stand for "Big Booty Bitches."
  • Ian is said to have once had a crush on iiSuperwomanii as revealed by Max, Frank, and Chad during a stream.
  • There has been an ongoing dispute about Ian's last name, with some saying Kovic and others saying Carter. In a now-deleted video on Ian's main channel of him playing Overgrowth, Ian's brother Kevin can be heard in the background calling him "Kovic". Some believe Ian uses Carter as an alias for privacy reasons. When appearing on Phillip DeFranco's channel in the video "YouTuber iDubbbzTV Drunkenly Kills, Marries, and F*CKS!," he is credited as Ian Carter.
  • Ian uses the last name of Shrimpson (alluding to The Shrimpson Boys) when communicating with Samurai Buyer.
  • Ian has revealed in his "Bad Unboxing" videos that he owns a seventeen-inch dildo, which he uses for self-defense.
  • He is also skinny and should eat a burger.
  • Ian revealed that his anus is open source in his video "Kickstarter Crap - Cube".
  • Due to high amounts of exposure to the chromosomes, Ian can turn into a green lycra human hybrid.


  • "Kids, your mother and I have talked about it, and I'm gonna lick her pussy tonight."
  • "We were never friends, cunt!"
  • "You kill John Santa!"
  • "I have cancer."
  • "Heyyy, that's pretty good!"
  • "Have you seen Chef?"
  • "What're you, f***in' gay?"
  • "What, are you a f***ing f****t?"
  • "Muh-muh-muh-muh-money shot!"
  • "Let's peep this out."(stolen, not original)
  • "f****t!"
  • "I'm gay!"
  • "#NoChin"
  • "I have crippling depression."
  • "Ain't nothing like a good nut"
  • "I have osteoporosis."
  • "KILL yourself!"
  • "Ni**r f****t"
  • "My nama chef"
  • "I want to die."
  • "Say 'ni**er'!"
  • "I definitely don't have Ebola."
  • "Take this, you big monchey!"
  • #RiceGumIsABitch
  • (pssh)"Calling all units. Shots fired; Shots fired in front of the Supreme store! There's about to be a 261 in progress--send in all available units! Send in the back-up, send in the big guns, send in the K9 unit, send in the... f***"
  • "You are not a pimp, you're a borderline sex offender."
  • "I'd say take the L if you could pronounce it."
